Post Surgery Patient Care Services in Delhi - NCR
Mother & Baby Care in Noida
We Provide Nursing Services, Post Operative care services, Patient Attendant Services, Mother & Baby Care, Geriatric Care and patient aya at Home.
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Danger Signs to look out for New Mother:
She ought to go to the clinic or wellbeing focus right away, day or night.
SHE SHOULD NOT WAIT assuming she has any of the accompanying risk signs:
- vaginal draining has expanded
- fits
- quick or troublesome relaxing
- fever and too powerless to even think about getting up
- extreme cerebral pains with obscured vision
- calf agony, redness or expanding; windedness or chest torment.
She ought to go to the wellbeing place quickly if
she has any of the accompanying signs:
- enlarged, red or delicate bosoms or areolas
- issues peeing, or spilling
- expanded agony or disease in the perineum
- contamination in the space of the injury (redness, enlarging, agony, or discharge in injury site)
- rancid vaginal release
- extreme sorrow or self-destructive way of behaving (thoughts, plan or endeavor)

Adequate care of New Mother at home
In the prompt weeks following labor ladies need additional consideration, including accomplice and family support. Work and labor are truly requesting, as is breastfeeding and caring for an infant. It is in this manner vital that ladies recapture their solidarity and keep up with their wellbeing as they conform to existence with their new child.
Ladies in the post pregnancy time frame need to keep a fair eating routine, similarly as during pregnancy. Iron and folic corrosive supplementation ought to likewise go on for quite some time after birth. Ladies who are breastfeeding require extra food and ought to hydrate. You ought to invest more energy on sustenance directing with ladies who are extremely dainty and with teenagers who might require extra data to assist them with getting a decent eating regimen. At times you might have to allude ladies to a sustenance advocate, where accessible. It is critical to take note of that destitution might preclude ladies from getting to specific food sources. Investigating more affordable choices can be a useful piece of the directing sessionThe initial not many weeks with another child are extremely exhausting, truly and inwardly. Ladies need to rest and deal with themselves as they recuperate from work and birth. This frequently expects that other relatives and companions help out. Work with families to ensure everybody knows about the consideration a mother needs. Utilize your scrutinizing abilities to see if ladies are taking care of themselves and figure out the degree of help they are getting from their families. See whether she is getting sufficient rest and backing. Work with her to distinguish ways that this could be moved along. The post pregnancy time frame is the point at which you might need to examine issues with the family all in all to assist them with distinguishing answers for issues that might have emerged since the birth. A few ladies are overpowered following the introduction of a youngster, yet regardless of this they feel that they should return to their standard daily schedule as fast as conceivable to show that they are adapting. As a wellbeing laborer, you should have the option to distinguish ladies who are adapting, from ladies who are experiencing difficulty adapting.
During each post pregnancy visit you ought to likewise talk about how breastfeeding is advancing (see Session 13). Additionally converse with ladies about any plans they need to get back to work or school, how this could influence breastfeeding and the consideration of the child. See if they have made any arrangements and audit them together, or assist them with making an arrangement on the off chance that they don’t as of now have one
We provide Post Surgical Care & other Nursing services in Delhi - NCR. viz. East Delhi, West Delhi, North Delhi, South Delhi, Faridabad, Noida, Gurgaon (Gurugram), Sonipat, etc.

Male/Female Nurses
Our motive is to provide good post medical/surgical nursing services after a patient is discharged from a nursing home/hospital so that the patient’s recovery becomes more economical and affordable.

Male/Female Patient Attendants
One may not require the services of a trained nurse but needs a person who is familiar with how to handle a patient, we are there to provide male/female patient attendants.

We provide qualified and experienced physiotherapists, fully equipped with latest equipment like IFT, Ultra Sonic, SWD, Laser Therapy, MS etc., to treat patients at their homes.

Ayas who can take care of not only new borns but also elderly or sick people. In fact, they are very helpful in the case of working mothers or working couples. When the working couple is out for work, these Ayas can take care of kids or elderly people who are left at home.

Mother and Baby Care
For the senior citizens, we do have the Qualified and Experienced Physiotherapists are available for catering your physio needs and helps in faster recovery.

Equipment on rent
Medical Equipments are available on rent, Especially during the Covid Pandemic times, you need best equipments at your home.